
are you telling me a queer coded this?

this mobile-friendly site is made with 11ty using vs code for firefox browsers. see the source code on github.

feel free to copy-paste my code, but if you do, please take the time to learn what you are copy-pasting. arm yourself with knowledge! (this should go without saying, but don't actually copy the written content.)

site credits

here are resources i used in development:

fonts used:

art credit:

plugins used:

find more web dev resources here!

previous versions

previous iterations of the website are saved through archive.org. current iteration is v3.1, updated on jan 20 2024.


Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

this means you can modify and redistribute the source code (NOT the written content), as long as 1) it is not for commercial use, and 2) you distribute it under the same or similar license.